Mission & Vision


Our purpose is transformational, quality, international, English-medium education of school age children in an affordable, cost effective manner.


Our vision is to provide an excellent education in an environment that encourages a vibrant life and witness

Statement of Internationalism:

Tien Shan International School endeavors to develop lifelong learners who make positive contributions in local and global communities; by building respectful relationships, understanding and engaging different cultures, and participating in service learning opportunities in the Karasai district and beyond.

Core Values:

Community — We choose to learn together and serve one another in gratitude within the school body and in the local and international communities around us.

Leadership — We choose to continually grow as leaders — of our personal lives and in influence over those around us.

Respect — We choose to value each individual as a whole person, including their position, differences, abilities, and perspectives.

Integrity — We choose to live and learn in a community defined and guided by Truth.

Humor — We choose to have an attitude of joy, laughing now rather than later!